Birdseed Bag

Product type: feeding silo
Year: 2013
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BirdseedBag is both: packaging and feeding silo in one product. It is designed to be bought in the supermarket and installed in the garden easily. The customer just has to free the cord, take the stick, press in the holes with it and attach it to the bag afterwards.
The shape in general emphasizes a classic paper bag like known from tea bags for example. This ensures the possibility of cheap mass production. Fine details like the red paper reinforcement, typography and pictograms make it a recognizable and outstanding product.

Birdseed Bag hanging on a twig
Feeding silo and packaging Birdseed Bag packed front view
Feeding silo and packaging Birdseed Bag packed back view
Feeding silo and packaging Birdseed Bag detail
Feeding silo and packaging Birdseed Bag detail logo and text


Inspirational sketches of Birdseed Bag
Birdseed Bag hanging on a twig with a bird
Birdseed Bag hanging on a twig with a bird
Graphic showing drain of rain at Birdseed Bag
Feeding silo and packaging Birdseed Bag outlines / drawing

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